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13 Very Early Signs of Pregnancy 1 Week That You Need To Know

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early signs of pregnancy 1 week

13 Very Early Signs of Pregnancy 1 Week That You Need To Know

The characteristics of pregnancy in the first week often don't feel significant, so many mothers-to-be don't realize it. 

So that mothers don't miss the moment of their little one's presence in their stomach, there are several characteristics of pregnancy in the first week that you need to know.

Want to know what signs of pregnancy are generally experienced by pregnant women?

Very Early Signs of Pregnancy 1 Week

Apart from late menstruation, the symptoms of the first week of pregnancy are similar to the symptoms of the first week of the menstrual cycle.

What are the characteristics of pregnancy? The following are very early signs of pregnancy in the first week:

1. Flatulence

Almost similar to the signs at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, signs of pregnancy in the first week also cause you to experience flatulence.

This occurs due to hormonal changes, which make the digestive system slower in carrying out its processes, thus triggering flatulence.

Usually, symptoms of bloating will come along with constipation or constipation.

2. Fatigue

Fatigue is a complaint that pregnant women often experience in the first week. Quoting from the Sleep Science journal entitled Fatigue and Sleep Quality in Different Trimesters of Pregnancy, this occurs due to changes in the body. Starting from physical and metabolic changes to hormonal changes in pregnant women.

This condition causes the body to begin to adapt to new conditions. The hormone progesterone increases, causing the mother to experience fatigue and sleepiness throughout pregnancy.

To alleviate these pregnancy symptoms, mothers should get more rest time and ensure the bedroom is always comfortable for resting. Make sure the mother also manages stress levels well.

Want to know what nutritious snacks are for pregnant women? Read more in this article: "Here are 9 recommendations for snacks for pregnant women that are rich in nutrition."

3. More sensitive sense of smell

When pregnant, you will also experience a more sensitive sense of smell. This condition makes pregnant women more sensitive or reactive to the smells around them during pregnancy.

4. Increased urination

Pregnancy causes increased fluid levels in the body and greater kidney efficiency. The growing uterus can also put pressure on the bladder. 

This causes many women in the first trimester of pregnancy to experience increased urination.

5. Stomach cramps and blood spots

This condition is also one of the characteristics of pregnancy in the first week. These symptoms will usually appear together with blood spots. This can happen because there is a process of implantation of the fetus into the uterus.

Blood spots that occur due to implantation are usually smaller in amount than menstruation and have a pink to brown color.

Stomach cramps are also lighter than menstruation, and the blood spots last no more than 3 days.
Immediately check your health if you experience blood spots and stomach cramps for more than 3 days and feel like they are worsening.

6. Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting in the first week of pregnancy, known as morning sickness. Even though it is known as morning sickness, nausea and vomiting can occur at any time.

Morning sickness generally occurs in the first week to the 9th week. Entering the second trimester, these characteristics of pregnancy will usually gradually disappear.

7. Changes in the breasts

Breasts will experience changes in the first week of pregnancy by appearing larger. In addition, the breasts feel softer and smoother. Not only that, the areola will also become larger and darker in color.

Quoting from the International Journal of Women's Dermatology with the title Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy: A Review of the Literature, this occurs due to hormonal changes and metabolic adaptations in the body of pregnant women to support the development of the fetus in the womb.

Apart from these parts, the breast skin will also experience changes. However, you don't need to worry about this change. Keeping the breast skin area clean and moist can be one of the best treatments.

8. Mood swings

Mood changes during pregnancy are a common occurrence. This condition can occur due to hormonal changes that affect neurotransmitters. This can cause pregnant women to become more angry, depressed, and anxious.

According to a study in the journal BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth with the title Mood and quality of life changes in pregnancy and postpartum and the effect of a behavioral intervention targeting excess gestational weight gain in women with overweight and obesity: a parallel-arm randomized controlled pilot trial, mood changes liver disease in pregnant women can also occur due to weight gain during pregnancy.

Weight gain is associated with worsening mood conditions due to lower physical quality than before pregnancy. However, there are also some who feel a better quality of life after gaining weight, so their mood becomes better from pregnancy to postpartum.

9. Constipation

Hormonal changes make pregnant women experience constipation. This condition is rarely recognized as a sign of pregnancy because it is usually only considered a lack of fiber.

10. Changes in skin condition

Some pregnant women experience a "pregnancy glow." This change in skin condition makes pregnant women's skin look brighter and more rosy.

This occurs due to an increase in blood volume and higher hormone levels, thereby causing more blood to flow through the blood vessels. This condition makes the skin glands produce more oil, so the skin looks shinier.

11. Weight gain

Weight gain can be a sign of pregnancy that occurs at the end of the first trimester. This condition can occur due to the baby's development and increased fluid in the body.

The thing you need to make sure of is controlling your weight gain so that it is not too much or too little. 

Excess weight during pregnancy risks increasing various pregnancy disorders. Meanwhile, being underweight has the risk of causing premature birth.

12. Cravings

Pregnant women usually want to eat certain foods or have cravings during pregnancy. As long as pregnant women want to eat healthy food and don't overdo it, it seems you can follow this.

However, what causes pregnant women to experience cravings? Launching from Frontiers in Psychology with the title Pickles and Ice Cream! Food Cravings in Pregnancy: Hypotheses, Preliminary Evidence, and Directions for Future Research. The reason that triggers cravings in pregnant women is changes in the hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body.

Not only that, cravings can also be a sign that your body needs the nutrition in the food you want. In other words, the body experiences a lack of certain nutrients.

13. Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting in the first week of pregnancy, namely morning sickness. Even though it is known as morning sickness, nausea and vomiting can occur at any time.

Morning sickness generally occurs in the first week to the 9th week. Entering the second trimester, these characteristics of pregnancy will usually gradually disappear.

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