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8 Reasons Why You Still Didn't lose Your Weight Even You Doing Low Carbohydrate Diet

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8 Reasons Why You Still Didn't lose Your Weight Even You Doing Low Carbohydrate Diet

Many people say that a low-carb diet is effective in losing weight. So you are interested in trying this diet, hoping to lose weight fast.

However, when you try to lose weight, it's hard to even though you've been on this diet for a long time. So, what makes it difficult to lose weight even though you are already on a diet?

1. Hoping to lose weight rapidly 

If you weigh and the results increase one day, do not immediately assume the diet did not work because your weight failed to drop. This is natural because usually, your weight goes down after you go on a diet for at least two weeks.

Many people lose weight in the first week on a low-carbohydrate diet, but it is due to a decrease in water weight. This is the initial stage of weight loss during a diet; your weight number will start to decrease and slow down slowly.

If the weight does not go down, it does not mean the diet fails. It could be that your muscle mass increases, ultimately making your weight scales unchanged.

To ensure exactly what happens when you haven't seen your weight go down, it's better to use a measuring device other than a weight scale. For example, use a tape measure to measure waist circumference or an accurate fat gauge. You can consult a doctor to determine your fat percentage at this time.

2. Too much stress

Please keep in mind that if consciously or unconsciously you are actually under stress, this can interfere with the smooth running of your diet. When you want to lose weight, ensure your body is functioning well and has stable hormone levels.

If you experience stress, the body will increase the production of stress hormones such as cortisol. Well, this hormone can also stimulate hunger and increase appetite.
If this happens, your diet will fail, making it difficult to lose weight. So you should manage stress well by doing activities that can make the body calm and relaxed.

3. Lack of sleep

Sleep is very important to maintain overall body health. A study on the Healthline page showed that lack of sleep is associated with obesity. Because lack of sleep will make you feel less motivated to exercise, hungry, and cause fatigue.

Sleep is a pillar of health; if you do everything right but do not spend time sleeping well, then automatically, you can not see the results you expect.

If you have a sleep disorder such as insomnia, you should visit your doctor so it won't interfere with your diet. There are also several ways to improve sleep quality:
  • Avoid caffeine after 2pm
  • Sleep with a darkroom lamp
  • Avoid drinking alcohol in the last few hours before going to bed
  • Do something soothing before sleeping.
  • Try to sleep at the same time all the time.

4. Too much milk and its products

Even though it is low in carbohydrates, drinking too much milk can cause problems. The protein content is quite high in milk, and its products can affect energy metabolism in the body.

Protein in milk and its products may increase high insulin spikes like carbohydrates. Over time this can cause a buildup of energy and leaks in the body. So it's hard to lose weight even though you're on a diet.

5. Doing the wrong type of exercise 

Proper exercise can promote losing weight, increase muscle mass, and make you feel refreshed. Therefore, doing the right exercise, not just any sport, is very important. Examples such as this exercise series:
  • Weightlifting
  • Interval training
  • Low-intensity exercise
The right type of exercise can help you optimize your diet.

6. Using Certain Medications

Certain medications are known to stimulate weight gain. If one of the side effects of your medication is weight gain, consult your doctor. There may be other drugs that have the same function without the effect of gaining weight.

If you have difficulty losing weight after stopping the drug, you may have other medical conditions that cause weight gain to continue to increase. Consult your doctor immediately if this does not improve.

7. Too often ‘cheat’ time

For those of you who are on a diet, it does not matter if you occasionally cheat from a diet that is being undertaken. However, do not let you too often 'cheat,' destroying the diet plan that has been made.

Difficult weight loss that you experience is usually due to undisciplined and determining exactly when it's fraudulent and when it's not.

Determine your 'freedom' schedule just once a week. Although cheating is allowed, you also need to be able to control yourself.

8. Choosing low carbohydrate foods but freely eating other foods

A low carbohydrate diet does not mean only choosing low carbohydrate foods and then freely eating other foods. Of course, eating too much food high in protein will have an adverse effect.

Remember, the food source of protein also contains fat which can affect your weight too if consumed too much. So ensure you do not overeat so that the ideal body weight can be achieved.

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