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Where do Chia Seeds Come From and Chia Seeds Benefits

Where do Chia Seeds Come From and Chia Seeds Benefits
Where do Chia Seeds Come From and Chia Seeds Benefits

Where do Chia Seeds Come From

Chia seeds come from the chia plant known by the Latina name of Salvia Hispanica. Salvia Hispanica is an annual herb that is native to Mexico, the seed is quite tiny it measures about one millimeter across, has a spotted exterior and they have a distinctive oval shape.

Chia seeds products were widely developed and used for centuries in Mesoamerica. Own to parts of South America and Guatemala, the seed products have been cultivated as a nutritional meal since the time of the Aztecs and other indigenous peoples.

The Aztecs have been consuming chia seeds as one of their primary meals due to high stamina sources that can be provided during their hunting time and also during their traveling times which requires far ranges for trading.

Chia Seeds Benefits

Based on research, Chia seed's benefits are due to the abundant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, and high protein. Not only that, but Chia seed also contains numerous vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, and vitamin E. Chia seed is also rich in essential minerals including zinc, sulfur, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, iodine, copper, sodium and magnesium. Chia seeds also contain a lot of strong levels of antioxidants that are very beneficial for overall body health.

The high levels of omega-3 fatty acids contained in chia seeds give the seeds amazing anti-inflammatory components. The fatty acids in it reduce high blood pressure and also improve brain function by promoting effective nerve transmission.

Another good news about chia seeds to diabetes sufferers, researchers found out that chia seeds help to control blood sugar levels. Since they contain a generous amount of soluble fiber, they slow the intake of sugars and starchy foods into the system, keeping blood glucose levels more stable. The antioxidants in chia seeds will help to protect your body from free radicals that can create oxidative stress, which is the main culprit to cause many chronic diseases.

Just 15 gr chia seed products provide you 100 mg of calcium and 70 mg of magnesium. 15 gr will also give you a fifth of your daily antioxidant target to complete the rest of your daily antioxidant needs have some berries or nuts.

Due to its high nutrient content, no wonder chia seed is categorized as one superfood. They are simple to take, simple to process and they even help to clean your colon. They are definitely a competition to be the next new superfood and the importance is chia seed products can help with weight loss.

You will see for yourself when you start eating regularly. Great digestion, more energy, better skin – and you can even lose a few pounds.

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